The Testimony of Rev Robert Faircloth, Hope Christian Fellowship, Greensboro NC "Maybe today is the day I will die!" For over a year, this was the first thought that hit my mind as soon as I awakened each morning. I was a pastor. I was Spirit-filled. Yet I was shackled by pain and frustration because of some deep, personal hurts. I tried fasting, confessing the Word, and praying in the Spirit. I found relief but not release. Then I heard of a "revival of joy." If anyone needed a touch from God, it was I. I went to every service. I responded to every invitation for prayer. After seven services, with little apparent manifestation in my life, I was beginning to wonder if God would ever touch me. I woke up one Friday morning. I was tired in body, and the thought came to my mind, "Just rest this morning." My spirit whispered, "Keep pressing in." I arrived late for the service. The worship time was almost over. As soon as I got to my seat, the Holy Spirit prompted me to get on my knees. I thought, "But God, I don't want to draw attention to myself." The Spirit responded, "Everyones' eyes are closed." So I slipped quietly to my knees. When my knees hit the floor, I felt weeping start to rise up within me. The next thing I knew, I was lying on the floor wailing uncontrollably. For over thirty minutes I was wailing. In the midst of this, the Holy Spirit whispered, "I'm wailing through you for you. This is what I felt for you when you experienced those hurts. This is how much I love you!" I had never realized that the Holy Spirit cared so deeply for me. Then the wailing stopped, and I began to laugh uncontrollably. I laughed and rolled in the aisles. (Remember, this is the guy who didn't want to call attention to himself by kneeling.) When I finally staggered up, I knew that the "anointing had destroyed the yokes" of depression and hurt. Little did I realize the long-lasting impact this encounter with the Holy Spirit would have upon my life. I am a completely different person and pastor. It's been over three years since this first encounter with the Holy Spirit, and the joy remains. Instead of waking up every morning in a cloud of gloom, I awaken in the cloud of Glory. I still confess the Word and pray in the Spirit, in fact, more than ever. Still, this added dimension of the tangible presence of the Spirit of God has brought me into a place of joy and victory. Robbie Faircloth, Greensboro, NC Copyright TRM Inc. 1997 This article may not be copied, duplicated, reprinted or electronically transmitted, without the written permission of the author and the copyright holder.